Welcome to the site..

Hey everyone, this is Dillon. I had purchased the domain for this website a while ago, and even had the website URL included in the early versions of A State of Mind when it was published, with the hope to have the website under myself and live one day. Thank you everyone who has already read the book. I would love to hear thoughts and reactions, and to hear how the book has helped you. Anything you would like to share, you can email me at authordillonjepsen@gmail.com.

I began writing this book in 2016, with it feeling like a mission to myself. I had experienced so much in the year 2012, and years following, with my Schizoaffective episodes, Out of Body experiences, and my other interactions with the supernatural (for example, I’ve had visions and premonitions). All of this had informed me by experience. My mind reached in ways I had never thought it would have likely prior to it all.

I’m hoping to gather together a community that can thrive one day. I will be doing all I can to continue engaging current readers and new readers who are just now coming along.

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